Castlewood Partners supports Workforce Housing in Colorado through innovative Public-Private-Partnerships and Capital Advisory Strategies 

Why Castlewood Partners?

Castlewood Partners is the leading - and in fact the only - workforce housing development strategist focusing on delivering workforce housing to rural Colorado.  We’re working diligently -alongside our clients- on solving the problem of limited workforce housing by supporting the development and funding of projects that aim to meet their community’s needs.

Why “Workforce” housing?

If there are so many people in the missing middle, why isn’t more housing being developed for them?  

What does Castlewood do to support workforce housing?

Check out our Services page to learn more.

Our Values + Mission

Castlewood Capital Partners’ mission is to provide world-class financial and capital markets expertise to developers and communities. Castlewood Capital Partners advises landowners, developers, and organizations who want to create workforce housing in an effort to ease the housing crisis, making a significant impact and earning a decent return, while minimizing their overall investment.  

While single-building development can be part of the solution, we believe that master planned communities with a mix of income levels and product types create a healthier community ecosystem, particularly those with a mix of product types ranging from apartments to townhomes, to for-sale houses. These communities also present greater opportunities to deploy new urbanist principles and sustainable resource management.    

Our Clients

Our clients include a mix of public and private, large, and small. Typically, we work with mid-sized commercial real estate developers, including current clients such as Fading West Development, LDG Multifamily, and Old Three Hundred Capital, as well as rural landowners and municipal or nonprofit organizations seeking capital and development partners, such as the Chaffee Housing Trust, the Lake County Housing Authority, and Energize Colorado’s rural housing initiative.