Join us at Housing Colorado October 12th, 2023!

Exciting Announcement! πŸ“’

I'm thrilled to share that I'll be speaking at the Housing Colorado Conference at Keystone Resort on October 12th, on the topic of "Financing the Missing Middle II: The Workforce Strikes Back."

Once again this year I'm honored to co-present alongside my esteemed colleague Anthea Martin of Bellwether Enterprise, and this year we will also be joined by Tanner Crawley of Goshen Development

We had a fantastic turn-out at the conference last year and aim to make this year’s presentation even more informative (and irreverent), and chock full of valuable insights and actionable takeaways.

We invite you to join us and be part of this impactful conversation and are looking forward to seeing you there!



Prop 123 - General Recap